Xi Jinping Meets with General Secretary of Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee and Lao President Thongloun Sisoulith
2023-10-24 17:55

On the morning of October 20, 2023, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People with General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee and Lao President Thongloun Sisoulith who is in China to attend the third Belt and Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) and pay a working visit to China.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the past 10 years have seen steady and important progress in building a China-Laos community with a shared future. To build such a community in a world of transformation and turbulence with  accelerated changes unseen in a century has even greater value and strategic significance for the times, and has an exemplary and guiding role to play. China and Laos should take the signing of a new five-year action plan on building a China-Laos community with a shared future as an opportunity to add new dimensions to the relations between the two parties and two countries, and inject new impetus into peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region and beyond.

Xi Jinping emphasized that adhering to the Party leadership and the socialist direction is an essential feature of China-Laos relations. The two parties of China and Laos should continue to deepen political mutual trust, enhance governance capability, and strengthen communication and cooperation in such fields as politics and law enforcement security. The two sides need to tap deep into the potential of the China-Laos Railway, steadily advance the development of the China-Laos Economic Corridor with focus on development along the railroad, and actively advance the regional connectivity development outlook, to create a model for Belt and Road cooperation in the region. China will continue to provide assistance for Laos’ economic development to the best of its ability, encourage more Chinese enterprises to invest in the country, import more quality agricultural products from Laos, and expand bilateral cooperation in such fields as energy and mining. Laos will assume the rotating chairmanship of ASEAN next year, and China is ready to support Laos in playing a greater role in regional and international affairs.

Thongloun Sisoulith congratulated China on successfully hosting the third BRF, and said that the Forum has demonstrated the important outcomes of the Belt and Road Initiative over the past 10 years. In particular, the eight major steps announced by Comrade General Secretary Xi Jinping to support the joint pursuit of Belt and Road cooperation have injected new impetus into high-quality Belt and Road development. The current cooperation between Laos and China in various fields is being successfully advanced, and Laos sincerely thanks China for providing Laos with precious help in its economic and social development over the years. The construction and successful operation of the Laos-China Railway has greatly promoted the economic development of the  country, and has brought positive changes to the Lao people's life. A new five-year action plan on building a Laos-China community with a shared future to be signed this time will further consolidate friendly cooperative relations between the two parties and two countries. Laos is ready to strengthen high-level interaction with China, deepen exchanges of governance experience, advance practical cooperation on such projects as the Laos-China Economic Corridor, and strengthen coordination and cooperation on ASEAN-China relations and regional issues, so as to promote the new development of Laos-China relations.

After the meeting, Xi Jinping and Thongloun Sisoulith jointly signed an Action Plan on Building a China-Laos Community with a Shared Future (2024-2028) between the Communist Party of China and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, and jointly witnessed the signing of multiple bilateral cooperation documents in such fields as Belt and Road cooperation, digital economy, media, culture, tourism, health, and customs inspection and quarantine.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi were present at the above events.

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