Wang Yi Meets with Ugandan Foreign Minister JeJe Odongo
2023-07-11 20:00

On July 11, 2023, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi met with Ugandan Foreign Minister JeJe Odongo in Beijing.

Wang Yi said that China and Uganda are comprehensive cooperative partners. President Xi Jinping and President Yoweri Museveni enjoy high-level mutual trust and profound friendship, and play important guiding roles in bilateral relations. Noting that the China-Uganda relationship is an all-round one, Wang Yi said China will continue to support Uganda's development and revitalization, as well as its efforts to enhance capacity for independent development. China is ready to work with Uganda to strengthen Belt and Road cooperation, and deepen and substantiate cooperation in various fields. China values Uganda's role in international affairs, and supports Uganda in safeguarding independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and in playing a greater role in African affairs. The two sides should continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning their respective core interests, oppose unilateralism, reject bullying and domineering practices, and uphold international fairness and justice.

Wang Yi said that President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) in the hope that the international community will refocus global attention on development issues and help developing countries improve capacity-building and realize economic revitalization and independent development. The initiative has been warmly received by the international community. China hopes that Uganda will actively participate in the GDI, so as to implement more projects in Uganda and bring benefits to the Ugandan people.

Odongo expressed his pleasure to have the opportunity to attend the First High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development, and extended congratulations on its success. Uganda and China enjoy a time-honored relationship, and the people of both countries share common aspirations and wish for realizing development. He expressed gratitude for the support and assistance rendered by the Chinese government and enterprises for Uganda's development. It is fair to say that China is participating in Uganda's national development on all fronts, especially infrastructure development. China's support is not a "debt trap", but a valuable help in the absence of developed countries. It aims to enhance Africa's capacity for independent development. China and African countries share common visions, and Uganda firmly supports cooperation with China. Uganda is ready to work with China to well implement the GDI proposed by President Xi Jinping, and ensure that development returns to the center of the global agenda, free from any politicized factors.

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